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POPL 2019
Sun 13 - Sat 19 January 2019 Cascais, Portugal
Fri 18 Jan 2019 15:21 - 15:43 at Sala II - Program Analysis I Chair(s): Michael D. Adams

We study the problem of completely automatically verifying uninterpreted programs— programs that work over arbitrary data models that provide an interpretation for the constants, functions and relations the program uses. The verification problem asks whether a given program satisfies a postcondition written using quantifier-free formulas with equality on the final state, with no loop invariants, contracts, etc. being provided. We show that this problem is undecidable in general. The main contribution of this paper is a subclass of programs, called coherent programs that admits decidable verification, and can be decided in PSPACE. We then extend this class of programs to classes of programs that are k-coherent, where k is a natural number, obtained by (automatically) adding k ghost variables and assignments that make them coherent. We also extend the decidability result to programs with recursive function calls and prove several undecidability results that show why our restrictions to obtain decidability seem necessary.

Talk Slides (POPL19-talk.pptx)2.35MiB

Fri 18 Jan

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15:21 - 16:27
Program Analysis IResearch Papers at Sala II
Chair(s): Michael D. Adams University of Utah
Decidable Verification of Uninterpreted Programs
Research Papers
Umang Mathur University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, P. Madhusudan University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Mahesh Viswanathan University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached File Attached
Inferring Frame Conditions with Static Correlation Analysis
Research Papers
Oana-Fabiana Andreescu Internet of Trust, Thomas P. Jensen INRIA Rennes, Stéphane Lescuyer Prove & Run, Benoît Montagu Prove & Run
Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached File Attached
Context-, Flow- and Field-Sensitive Data-Flow Analysis using Synchronized Pushdown SystemsDistinguished Paper
Research Papers
Johannes Späth Fraunhofer IEM, Karim Ali University of Alberta, Eric Bodden Heinz Nixdorf Institut, Paderborn University and Fraunhofer IEM
Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached File Attached