Registered user since Fri 16 Nov 2018
I am co-founder and chief research officer at Hecusys LLC, a startup working to solve theoretical and practical issues in both hardware and software for encrypted computing at conventional PC speeds.
I’ve previously been lecturer in software systems at the department of computer science at the university of birmingham, UK, Ramon y Cajal research professor in the department of telematics at the Carlos V university in madrid, Spain, visiting associate professor in telecommunications engineering at the polytechnic university of madrid, research officer in the programming research group in the department of computer science of the university of oxford, UK, research associate in the engineering department of the university of cambridge, UK, fellow in theoretical computer science at the university of kent at canterbury, UK, as well having hacked a fair number of visiting or invited university visiting research posts over the years. My degrees (MA, CASM math, PhD engineering) are all from cambridge, a long time ago, now.
I am the historical or hysterical author of a functional language with persistent storage (DL), a higher order compiler compiler (PRECC) that was much used in industry and academe in its twenty-year heyday, an analysis/synthesis language with learning (PARLEY), a linear logic model checker for C (C-logic), and many items within the linux kernel, probably particularly my old industrial strength network block device, ENBD.
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